Prior to 1999, the legal firm of Rennick & Gaynor was able to provide the mortgage services to its clients directly and was regulated by the Law Institute of Victoria.

At that time, the Corporations Act was amended to introduce managed investments, for which the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (“ASIC”) was responsible.  Since then, further changes have been introduced to the Corporations Act and a wide range of additional obligations have been placed on businesses that provide these services.

Principled Mortgage Investments Limited (“Principled Mortgages”) today holds an Australian Financial Services Licence (number 233081) which gives it the authority to act as the responsible entity for the Principled Mortgage Fund (Australian Registered Scheme Number 124 674 433).  Principled Mortgages is no longer a “solicitor’s mortgage fund, but a professionally run Mortgage Fund with a focus on providing quality Borrowers with quality loans and managing them for the Investors that providing the funding.

Compliance Systems

Principled Mortgages have made a substantial investment over a long period of time to ensure it has quality systems, and to ensure those systems are reviewed, updated and the performance of them is monitored.  Our philosophy is that our compliance systems are our strength – a key factor for people who are looking for experienced financial services.

We are happy to take to you about our systems, because we know they work.