The Select Mortgages Option™ is a contributory fund. To invest in the Select Mortgages Option™, you must obtain a copy of the Product Disclosure Statement (from the Download Centre), complete the Application Form in that PDS and send it to our office indicating you want to invest in the Select Mortgages Option™. Principled Mortgages™ will then provide you with “Investment Proposals” which set out the terms of the specific mortgage. If you agree to these, you will need to sign the Investment Proposal and return it to our office.
The major benefit of this Investment Option is that we cannot place your money into any particular mortgage until you have returned the Investment Proposal, so you maintain complete control of your money.
For further information regarding the Select Mortgages Option, you should read the Product Disclosure Statement dated 27 June 2016.
Current Investments
The Principled Mortgages Select Mortgages Option has a number of current investments available for you to contribute funds into right now.
Net returns to investors vary – contact us for more information.
For further information, please contact Geoff Rowles or Irene Anastasios.