Principled Mortgage Investments Ltd has been providing mortgage loans and investments in Melbourne and Regional Victoria since 1919 and have a long established office located near the Camberwell Junction.  Our business has well-developed systems and procedures and works closely with the legal firm of Rennick & Gaynor.

Principled Mortage Investments often seek the services of staff to fill four role types:

  1. Investor Relations
  2. Compliance
  3. Due diligence and credit assessment
  4. Administration

As roles become available, details will be posted on the Current Vacancies page.  Applicants should read the relevant material in detail and should be familiar with the work requirements prior to making an application.

Application Process

Applications should be made via the website (or as prescribed in the Current Vacancies page) and should be accompanied by a cover letter, a detailed resume and contact details for at least two referees.  Applicants should contact their referees in advance and provide them with permission to discuss the applicant’s details with Principled Mortgage Investments Ltd or their employment agency.

An appointment for an interview (if selected) will be arranged at a mutually suitable time at our office.  Applicants should bring the following material to an interview:

  • Written references (if any)
  • Transcripts of tertiary education
  • Original drivers license for identification purposes

Please Note

Successful applicants will be required to undergo a due diligence process that includes satisfactory police checks, credit and bankruptcy searches and provide a declaration of Good Fame & Character.  Further details of this process are provided at the interview.